Tag: Team Building

Mental health & well-being – how sailing can help motivate, reward and inspire during the ‘new normal’

Mental health & well-being – how sailing can help motivate, reward and inspire during the ‘new normal’ Smiling faces on a corporate yacht charter

The last 12-months have been incredibly tough for everyone around the globe – on both a personal and company level, with 1 in 6 employees saying that their mental health has suffered as a direct effect of the pandemic and the new steer towards working from home*. With many companies choosing to remain flexible on […]

Why sailing makes a great corporate team building event

Why sailing makes a great corporate team building event

HR departments around the world are always looking at ways to increase positivity in the workplace and here in the UK, we are a nation of people who respond well to corporate team building events that allow us to build on individual strengths as well as collectively as a team. At Britannia Corporate Events, we […]

What is the Difference Between Leadership and Management?

What is the Difference Between Leadership and Management? Corporate Sailing Events - Cowes Week Racing

One of the biggest questions asked in any corporate environment is, ‘What is the difference between leadership and management?’ Are they the same thing? Are they mutually exclusive? Is it possible for someone to possess both qualities? While Leadership and management must go hand in hand, they are absolutely not the same thing – leadership […]

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